Who am I

          Hi!  My name is Amy Price.  To the world I am a nobody.  I have no letters after my name.  I have no certificates displayed on my walls (although I do have a couple in my drawer).  I don’t have a J-O-B.  I am a stay-at-home mom with an “insane” amount of kids.  I wouldn’t stand out if you passed me on the street (unless I had all my kids with me).  I am just your average nobody with no voice, no acclaim.

BUT the truth is ~ that I am a daughter of God.  I am a queen in the making.  I have a purpose and mission here on this earth.  I have a family who love and support me.  I have a voice and I make change.

That wasn’t always the case though.  I mean I didn’t believe it was the case.  For the last thirteen years I have been a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom of eight, and my life has been swallowed up in serving my family and my church.  I felt exhausted, exasperated and lost, yet I had this intense feeling that I had something inside of me that I needed to share.  That the Lord had a mission for me to fulfill beyond my family — I didn’t know what or how.

I was growing more and more frustrated, because I felt I had all this – something – to share, but I didn’t know how to unearth it, what to do with it, or how to share it when and if anyone cared.  Most everyone around me thrived in their overwhelm of feeling “insignificant,” and seemed to feel I must too.  I must stay in my little hamster cage, keep running my wheel, and be content.

I didn’t know at that time just how much the Lord wanted me to succeed or how much He was willing to help me reach that success.

Then one weekend changed it all!  Check out “The Beginning.”

Now I feel so powerful!  I am empowered with a knowledge – not just a belief – that I AM a daughter of God.  My life has power and meaning when I align my will with His.  What He has in store for me is far more wonderful than anything I could have imagined, and the joy is so intense.

But just knowing that I am heard, loved and important to Him has changed my life forever.

I hope sharing my experiences along this journey will inspire you to reach for that greatness inside of you, align it with the Director of your greatest potential, and encourage you to ­­­see what He has in store … for you.

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