Closing Ceremony



What a wonderful Christmas season this has been!  I do hope that all of you thoroughly enjoyed your holidays and delighted in your families this season.

Now as we prepare for a new year, looking on to what there is to do, what we want to get done, and how we are going to be better in the year to come, I wish for you to participate in a exercise with me.

This idea and concept was presented to me by Leonie Dawson, a wonderfully delightful soul in far-off Australia, who has been helping thousands of women around the world come into themselves so as to bring out all that they desire.  I recently bought her Life and Business workbook/planners, and I am excited to put it to work.  But one of the things that struck me most and intrigued me enough to buy was her “Closing Ceremony.”

So many times, year after year, I think back – not really over my year, per say – but over my previous resolutions and how much I Totally Failed at making them happen.  Then I start trying to figure out how I can compel myself into getting it done in the new year.  I batter and beat myself for my many weaknesses and short-comings and pledge to get it right in the next year … only to fall short yet again.

But in Leonie’s “Incredible Year” workbook, the first thing you do is to really look back over the previous year.  Look at how you have changed, grown, developed.  See all that you have learned and how you have come to know yourself better.  See what incredible things you have learned about yourself and what you have been able to let go of.  Most importantly – see what dreams have come true and how much closer you are to what is truly important in your life.

What an incredible exercise!!!  I have been able to see all that has transpired and see how it has beautifully contributed to who I am now.

I encourage you all to join me in contemplating your past year.  Ponder the following questions.  Write the answers down to finish off you journal or planner for the year.  See the goodness that has happened to you and through you.  Namaste.

–          What wonderful lessons did you learn from 2012?

–          What dreams came True?

–          I was transformed this year by …

–          I know myself more now because …

–          I let go of …

–          I am Happy because …

–          I am Proud of myself for …

–          Lastly, I am grateful …

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