No Time to Feel Guilty



Many times we as women just don’t know how to say “No.”  We take on things because we feel they are expected of us to be a good friend, a good mother, a good daughter of God.  Life may be crashing down around us, and yet we still agree to take on more.  And more.  And even more.

I have learned that I am really capable of doing more than I even thought possible.  But I have also learned that I really don’t like myself when I do.  I don’t have that sense of accomplishment of a ‘job-well-done’ when I neglect my family to get it all done.  It doesn’t feel as fulfilling when I lose ground with that which matters most to go off and conquer that next hill.

I was in the middle of conference call after conference call when I finally realized that time-sensitive appointments ‘cramp my style’ when there are more than two per day.  This may be different for you.  You will need to find your own balance, but this is what works for me.  No more than 2 time-sensitive appointments per day!

There are sometimes when I look at my week and it is just crammed packed, day after day, through the whole week. … And Yes!  I stress!  There will be things that I simply cannot move, shift or reassign and people are depending on me.  Fortunately those are the time when my husband tells me to relax, not stress – it will all work out.  Sometimes I listen – sometimes I don’t.  But it really does all work out.  Others are able to cancel where I am not … things come up and we have to do it next (lighter) week.  It Always Works Out.  You just have to have a little faith.

And sometimes you simply have to take on my new attitude – I don’t have time to feel guilty for not meeting others’ expectations!

I really don’t.  The only expectations I have to worry about meeting are my God’s and my own.  Everything else is negotiable.  Sometimes even my own expectations need tweaked a little (or a big) bit.  What does it matter if you fulfill everyone’s expectations and not your own?  Or especially your God’s?

You CAN’T make everyone happy!  Politics proves that.  There is No Way for you to make everyone in your life happy.  Why?  Because you are not blessed with that ability.  Happiness is a personally thing.  No one can MAKE another person happy.  Even when you please them.  It is their choice whether to be happy or not.

Everyone will have expectations.  Everyone will feel disappointments.  Not everyone chooses to be truly happy.

It is your choice.  It is your right.  Find what is important in your life and focus on that within your personal limits.  Then Peace is right around the corner!

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