Chocolate Under My Fingernails

bake sale (1)Chocolate under my fingernails.  That is where I found myself.  The Power to Sell lesson had me exploring my talents by holding photo shoots and a pre-order bake sale.  Only a handful of orders for each came in.  I am very grateful for that – particularly where the bake sale was concerned.  I had all my extra fridge space filled, children itching to ‘help,’ and chocolate everywhere.

What had I gotten myself into??

It reminded me of the time our family held a “school” fund raiser.  We made and delivered over 100 Mexican dinner meals to friends all over town.  But at the beginning of assembly, I remember thinking, “This is just too much!  What were we thinking?  There is no way I can get this all done.”

And that is what I was feeling as I looked down at my hands.  I had baked all the cakes and made all the frostings and fillings.  Now it was time for assembly, decoration, packaging and exchange.  ((Sigh))

Still there was nothing to be done.  I was being obedient.  There was nothing to do but get to work.  And I did.  Eleven cakes, full size or large serving pieces, in either Devil’s Food, Orange Dreamcycle, or Vanilla, were sold to the delight of all who received.

It was fulfilling and enlightening.  I learned that I had marketable talents, though not all of them I truly wished to market.   I learned that I could make in roughly 3 hours taking pictures what I made in 3 days of making cakes.  And I learned that the Lord always provides! … because I earned exactly what I needed for my next course-in-study (divinely directed, of course).

The Lord ALWAYS blesses those who are obedient to Him.  He ALWAYS provides a way for us to accomplish that which He commands or expects of us.  He is ALWAYS there for us whether we come to Him or not.  He blesses us.  He supports us.  He is active in our lives, whether we acknowledge Him or not.

I am learning that our obedience is more for us that for Him.  He will fulfill His purposes with or without us.  But when we obey, we create a change in ourselves.  We become stronger.  We gain energy and courage to stand up and say “Yes!  You can count on me!”  You cannot make a statement like that and mean it without it making a change in you.

The Lord is always on your side.  Show Him today that you are on His.

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