Written Reminders

Back at the beginning, all those months ago, when I was in Salt Lake for the conference, before I even heard the story that changed my life, I was in a book store.  While there, though I knew the last thing I needed was another notebook/journal lying around my house, I felt I needed to buy this one, hardcover, spiral notebook.  It was soft blue with a couple of butterflies on the cover.  Plus on the cover was my favorite word – JOY.  Try as I may to shove the feeling away, I still felt I needed to buy it.  Finally, I just rolled my eyes, grabbed the book, put it on my pile and headed to check out.

While hearing the story and Teresa’s daughter’s addition of writing it down, I then knew exactly what the journal was for.  Every day, for months, I have written down my daily instruction from the Lord.  The blessings and the wisdom behind it has been great.   Here are a few insights:

1-      Keeps the instruction on your mind – I am ever thinking of His will to be able to write and obey.

2-      Keeps it at your fingertips – I can look back and be reminded of the actions which take several action steps.

3-      Glorifies God – When I put into writing ways The Lord has influenced me, I am praising Him.

4-      Shows gratitude – Acknowledging the Lord’s workings in my life is one of the few things He asks in return for all the many blessings He freely gives.

5-      Connecting the Dots – Sometimes I can’t make sense of the seemingly random actions (dots) He asks me to obey until I take the pieces and put them together in a bigger picture.

6-      Remembrance and Insight – For instance, it has amazed me how many times two simple directions have been given to me in those first few months.

What were the instructions?  “It is okay to relax” & “Enjoy your children/family.”

Do any of you need these reminders?  Please tell me I am not alone.  Please tell me that I am not the only one who is working and trying so hard to do the best and give the best to my family that sometimes I don’t take the time to slow down and enjoy the fruits of my labors.  I love my family so much.  I am so very grateful for all that the Lord has blessed me with.  So why do I have to continually be reminded to enjoy them?

Life gets so crazy.  It is a lot like the ocean.  If we turn our back on it, if we stop paying attention for even a minute, it can bowl us over and sweep us out to deeper waters.

Well, here is our reminder –

It Is Okay To Relax.

Enjoy Your Family.

Love Life For All It Is Worth.

And Find Joy.


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