The Right Fit


You know – I had an interesting lesson in May about developing the power to sell.  Now I never really thought that that would be something that I would have to learn.  Then I wound up in a marketing class. … go figure!

But what I learned from this lesson goes far beyond being a salesman.

The most profound thing that I learned was that when someone says “no” to what I am selling, they are not rejecting me.  It just means that what I am offering is not the right fit for them right now.  Maybe it is money, maybe it is timing, maybe it is taste.  Whatever.  It doesn’t matter.  What matters is that they said ‘no,’ and I can move on.

From that, I took time to ponder rejection.  I’m of the inclination that Rejection has gotten a bad wrap.  We all take it too personally.  We have no control over other people’s situation.  All we can do is offer.  Whether we offer photos, cake, merchandise, coaching, or ourselves – as an actor, a friend or a companion, all we can do is offer.

But if it is not the right fit, isn’t it better and easier to know right off?

I found that I would rather be “rejected” right off than be led on.  If I or what I offer isn’t the right fit for someone, it won’t be later down the road.  Why drag it out?

Anyway, during this “Power to Sell” process, I offered various aspects of my talents to literally hundreds of potential buyers, and really – hundreds chose to say “No.”  But I didn’t dwell on it.  I couldn’t dwell on it, because the orders I did get had me so busy – it was all that I could handle.

I have come to love the part of marketing where we figure out our “ideal client.”  This is where you whittle down the masses to who your real target is.  It saves time, and it saves money for you aren’t wasting energy marketing to those who are not the right fit.

Many people think what they offer is for everyone.  That is absurd!  And impossible!  Even if everyone needed it, that doesn’t mean everyone would want it.  Thing is, what would one really do if EVERYBODY did want what they had to offer?  I will tell – they would go NUTS!!!  There is no way they could keep up.  There is no way they could keep everyone happy.  It would be impossible!

Yet too often we face life that way.  We expect everyone to want, even love, what we have to offer.  Our products, our services, our views, our looks, our behavior, and our love.  When they don’t, we are devastated.

Do we like everything or everyone that is put before us? Absolutely Not.  So why would anyone else?

But that doesn’t mean I have to stop searching for the right fit.  I can continue to ‘play my music.’  I can love the melody.  I can love the expression.  I can love the fulfillment.  And you can, too!

If they don’t like your ‘Music,’ then guess what? … It Is Not For Them. … But that doesn’t not mean it isn’t for somebody.  But the only way for ‘somebody’ to hear it  is for you to keep playing.  So play.  Don’t dwell on the ‘no’s.  Just play.  Let the music fill you.  Feel  it resonate through you.  Glow with the beauty of Your song.  Your people, your ‘somebody’ will find you.  So Play.

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