I Didn’t Listen

from Luke Wardell on pinterest (sky photos)

It was going to be a busy Saturday.  Many things filled my schedule, many service opportunities of which I had committed myself.

I went to start the day, and the Lord added to my list, “Play in the sun with your family.”

Sweet!  It was a beautiful spring day, and that would be perfect!

So I started my list.  Service, service, service, service.  Breathe.  Finally it was mid-afternoon and I only had one other person to go help.  I looked outside.  It was still beautiful.  My children were playing happily. It was a sirens’ call.  I felt that inner nudge to put off the last appointment a little while to run out and enjoy my family “in the sun.”

But I only have one more thing left to do – then I am done, and I can enjoy my family all I want, I reasoned and headed out the door.


When the Lord gives specifics, it is best to heed them!

Instead of enjoying my family in the sun, I pushed my own agenda.  If I would have waited and gone ahead and played with my family in the sun, my appointment would have canceled.  As it was, I spent  my time with people who didn’t appreciate (or probably even want) my help.  I was sucked dry of my energy, my joy, and drug through age-old manipulation games.  When Am I Gonna Learn?!

When I got home, the breeze had begun, and the sky was overcast … as was my mood.  I had missed a beautiful afternoon (and possibly several cherished memories) because I thought I knew better.

“Connect & Protect the Relationships that Matter Most.”

“Play with your family IN THE SUN!”

I wasn’t in the “depths of despair,” but I was in the wallows of a pitty-party.  Sigh!

BUT every bad can become a good – if you learn from it, right?

So “That’s okay, Amy! ~ Just repent, forgive yourself and move on.”

That can be the Hardest Ever – ‘forgive yourself.’  But it can be done!!!

“After all, Tomorrow is Another Day!”

So give yourself a break!  Let go of some of that self-defeating resentment.  I know you have some … You’re a woman.

But if the Lord has forgiven us, who are we to hold a grudge?  Especially against ourselves?  There will be times when we will be the only earthly cheering section we will have.  We can’t afford to allow negativity to win!  So come on! Let it go!  Let go of the past.  Let go of the judgment.  Let it all go.  If you can feel God’s Spirit with you, then He has forgiven you.  It is time to forgive yourself.  Embrace the peace.  Embrace the joy.  Just let go!

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