See the Good


I was the only child for the first ten years of my life. … so I was alone a lot.  I played with other kids on my street.  I played with my mom when she could.  But mostly I was alone.  And when you are alone a lot –separate from society, it can be easy for other people to get the wrong ideas about you.  Sometimes that can lead to criticisms, “advice,” and judgments that are way off.  Regardless of intent or circumstance, the fact remains that when a person grows up criticized, they naturally tend to ‘judge’ when they are adults.

That is where I was.

I wasn’t a harsh judge.  I love people.  I love to smile at people.  I love to hug people.  I love to help people.  One of my biggest pet peeves is Language Barriers! I love to talk to and share joy with everyone I meet.  I like to learn about them, and that is really hard if you don’t know what they are saying. J

Still I didn’t handle rejection, in any way, very well.  So if I felt rejected or shunned, then it became easier to let my fur stand on end and scratch their eyes out – in the privacy of my own imagination & “wisdom of how they could improve”. (Did that sound pious enough??)

I didn’t blab my opinions or gossip.  Of course not, that would be horrid!  But I did tend to burn their faults in effigy.

Then came a realization that it didn’t matter what people thought of me. It only mattered what the Lord thought of me.  If my relationship with the Lord stayed at least as wonderful as it had been becoming, nothing else mattered. … They could love me or hate me, it didn’t matter.  Hug or shun – whatever.

With this epiphany, also came a thought – that if it didn’t matter what others’ thought – then I was free to love people.  Love them for the wonderful children of God that they are.  That thought sparked a desire.  A desire to look at people and see the good in them continually.

That desire became a prayer.  That prayer became a burning confirmation that I could.

Do you know how wonderful you are?  Do you know that I love you?  Do you know that you have within you the ability to do and create great things?  Did you know that you have a powerful support team waiting on the sidelines?  Waiting to lift you to bigger and better heights?  To greater joy than you have ever known?

Did you know that you are safe, right here and right now, to be everything glorious you ever imagined yourself to be?  It is because YOU are amazing!

Take a minute to breathe that in.  Say it out loud – “I am amazing.”  Doesn’t that feel good?  Now I want you to say (out loud, of course) – “I am worthy of love and goodness.  I am loved.”

You all have a wonderful day! 😉

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