The Lord Provides


“When the student is ready, the teacher appears.”

We have all heard this saying, and personally, I believe it.  Teachers and mentors have turned up when I have needed them most.   When I needed to learn to be a wife, a mother, and a faithful Christian – mentors have always come into my life when my needs and my desire to learn had finally matched up.  What an incredible blessing.

I had been prepared to receive that weekend in March, not just for the story and the start on the Lord’s path, but also because it was a gateway for the Lord’s path for me.   At that conference, I was introduced to another remarkable woman through one of the classes I attended.  I felt a connection and at the end of her class, I left my email.

Well, within two weeks, I was consulting with Heather Madder over the phone.   I had been to her website, heard her intro video, and she was speaking to the very pain that had been gnawing at me for months now.  I had a message inside of me that I desperately wanted and had to share, but I couldn’t unlock it.

Heather was very kind and insightful.  She listened to what I had to say.  She offered various solutions that she provided, and it sounded like just what I needed!  Still, I had reservations … the typical reservations – Time and Money.  Without any pressure, she invited me to join the conference call training she was presenting in her academy the next day.  I said I would try.  (That is where the ‘Time’ part comes in – her classes were Wednesday mornings at 10 – right in the middle of school time!)

I juggled things around and was on the call, and – WOW!  It was incredible!  I learned so much from just one call, and she had so much more to offer with her programs.  I really felt this was something I had to figure out how to do … even if I could only do one of her programs.

But don’t you just love the way the Lord works?!

Heather was so excited to be launching a new component to her business.  In this launch, she was waving start up fees, combining programs and offering tons of great information for one killer price.

I just HAD to smile.  With this offer, I could get both her “10 Step Money Map” and her “6 Steps to 6 Figures” programs, personal weekly training in marketing and business development, and academy group support – for what?  Exactly the amount I had left over from the conference!!

The kids helped me juggle Wednesdays for the last few weeks of school, and Ta-Da!!! – I was a Wake Up Academy Student!!

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