What a Difference a Day Makes

from naturalwallpaper.net

Okay so we got my internet working, right?  That night I got on my email to find a message from Teresa, my mentor and the lady whose story began this journey.  She was giving me a heads-up – the Story @ Home Conference committee were preparing for next year’s conference – so start getting my proposal ready.

[On the way home from the conference, I was led by the Spirit to offer to give a class – What was I thinking?!?]

Well you know the wonderful day I had had.  I still had T-n-T residue all over my poofed-out, sooty-covered face.  My head began swimming.  My ‘natural man’ was screaming stress and cramming ‘to-do’ lists at my soul.

Fortunately, I was back ‘on the line’ with the Lord.  My soul is stronger and calmer that that now.  I would rise above the stressing.  I just needed to pray.

I had peace spoken to my soul.  Breathe.  I had time.  The Lord would tell me what to do.  He would give me direction and at the right time.  Of this I had no doubt.   I did feel the Lord wanted me to submit a proposal, but I had no idea what it would be about.  Still I had no fear.  It would work out – and so I went to bed. …

… But not to sleep.  Sleep was not on the menu tonight – inspiration was.  By morning, I not only had a topic for the proposal, but I had a good share of the presentation outlined!!

What a difference a day makes!

I submitted my proposal August 8th, a few days before it was due.

September 11th, I received notice – I GOT IN!  I will be presenting at the 2013 Conference on February 1st!  You are all welcome to join me.  For more information … www.cherishbound.com/blog/storyathome/register

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